Artist Illustrates Comforting Japanese Storefronts Found on Google Street View


Smaller shops have their own coziness and charm to them and artist Angela Hao, a US-based artist, visualizes the warmth of such Japanese shops in her Procreate Illustrations. Although she’s from the US, she uses Google Street View to travel across all the possible nooks and crannies around Japan searching for such shops and inspiration for her next artwork.

After finding something that she would want to draw she gets onto her Ipad and starts her project. She first starts to get the layout as close to the physical shops then adds her touch to the image by adding a variety of gorgeous plants and pots along with cute animals hanging around.                               

In the interview with My Modern Met, Hao says, “My art is mostly focusing on architectural illustration. I especially love to paint the front view of shops, restaurants, and houses. The most fun part of creating art (for me) is to add imagined elements to the relatively plain reality. Adding vines, foliages, animals, hanging store plaques, flower pots, etc. really brings life to a drawing.”

She also explains, “I also enjoy changing the storefront structures or combining parts from different stores together to create a new look. Sometimes when I look at a reference photo, I would imagine what if this Raman store was actually a bookstore. I would then start to ‘remodel’ the store on my canvas”. Due to her devotion to the craft and attention to the finer details, the end product looks something out of a movie scene. It appears as though every building is lively and receives regular care. 

She runs an online store where you can purchase her work and check out her Instagram!

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