More Than 50% Of Japanese Couples Haven’t Had Official Wedding Ceremony Since Late 2019

If you are married, you can definitely relate to the struggle of choosing the right option for your marriage venue. However, spending a lot of money just to center attention at a big event might not be everyone’s wish. And you might not be the only ones thinking like that.

You might think that the low-key marriage ceremony might be a bit unconventional, but you will be shocked to know that you are not alone! Around half of Japan is doing the same thing and has abandoned the traditional marriage ceremony.

Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance hosted a survey on the occasion of Good Couples Day past week. About more than half (58.8%) of all respondents who had been married since October 2019 did not have a ceremony. Unsurprisingly, more people than expected renounced their honeymoon at 68%.

This number is almost three times greater than the who were married before October 2019. While only 20.4 of those married before October 2019 had opted to skip the wedding, this would indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic, its impact on travel and social gatherings, was a significant factor in the trend.

However, some users on the internet suggested that the traditional wedding ceremony would soon disappear on its own anyway. COVID-19 had only accelerated this inevitable.

Himeji, Japan – October 10, 2012: Young Japanese couple posing with the traditional costumes and fans in the gardens in front of Himeji’s castle in Japan.

One thing you can say about weddings, however, is that they are substantial economic engines. A lot of ancillary businesses will suffer if the wedding industry is not as strong.

What could be done in Japan to increase the number and quality of weddings? The first step is to give people the purchasing power to hold them with higher wages. Further, embracing the concept of same-sex marriages within Japan could also help to curb the exodus.


Source: Soranews24

Also read about Japan newlyweds can receive up to 600,000 yen to start new life

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