Why Use Tinder When Vending Machines Can Help You Mind Your Match

Anyone who has a connection to Japan knows its position as the vending machines capital in the entire world. From flowers and wagyu beef to ties and shirts, the list of things available on different vending machines keeps on getting longer every day.

SoraNews24 reported that a vending machine can offer cans for 3000 yen ($25.79) that have colors that are based on gender, as well as information about the possible match shown on the cards. However, the label on the can offers a message from a matchmaking company to facilitate the relationship between the buyer and the matched buyer. 

Tinder vending machine

The machine also shows pictures and names of matches.

You’ll be required to attend an interview lasting one hour and a consultation session with a matchmaker before the meeting with the match. They will then schedule a three-hour dinner date, and you’ll be required to pay the cost of your meal as well as an additional 9000 Yen fee for service.

Tinder vending machine

Although it’s unclear what will happen if you don’t connect during the date, if you do get married to your love, you’ll have to pay a ” successful marriage award amount” that is worth 300,000 Japanese yen ( $2579.32)


Source: WorldOfBuzz

Also read about Why Vending Machines Are So Popular in Japan ?

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