16 Amazing Things From Japan That The World Needs

Japan is an amazing country. The most amazing thing about the Land of the Rising Sun is the fact that it produces so many useful and wonderful things every year. We are captivated by all that is Japanese in culture and can’t wait for the rest to experience the best of Japanese creativity.

We JAPAN INSIDE selected 16 Japanese cool things to inspire your imagination. Check out the video below

It Is Japan, Not The U.S., That Leads In Serious Technology
For nearly 25 years the business press has hardly had a good word to say about Japan. Since the Tokyo stock market crashed in the early 1990s, the conventional wisdom has been that the once hard-charging Japanese economy has become a has-been. Not only is it portrayed as posing no competitive challenge to the United States but it is a veritable laughing stock in the policymaking community.

Not everyone is buying the story, however – least of all Michael Sekora, a brilliant physicist and top former U.S. Defense Agency executive who in the 1980s headed Project Socrates, a Reagan administration program to determine why the United States was rapidly losing competitiveness in advanced industries. His brief, in which he directed a team of hundreds of analysts, was classified and encompassed both military and industrial technologies.

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