Japanese Fish That Beat Pokémon Sapphire Passes Away
The fans mourn the death of Lala, the fish who discovered the Pokémon glitch that no human would have within the past 20 years.
With the series’ colossal popularity and accessible difficulty level, many people have beat the Pokémon video game. Therefore, a Japanese player, Lala defeating Pokémon Sapphire could not be that noteworthy…except because Lala’s a fish.
Lala is a betta fish of the Japanese TwitterUser/Youtube Channel Mutekimaru; one of the four-fish group that finished Sapphire in the past two years with a custom-designed system that tied the movement of the animals inside their tanks to their inputs from the controller. Alongside that team honor, Lala also achieved individual notoriety by discovering a bug within Sapphire that no one else had ever found within the past 18 years since the game’s launch.
Unfortunately, however, Lala’s streak of achievements in gaming has come to an end. This last week Mutekimaru Channel announced that Lala had passed away.
Mutekimaru says that Lala passed away peacefully through natural causes around the end of August. But the sense of sadness among those who love Lala, as well as Pokémon, generally is powerful, as can be seen by the responses on Japanese Twitter.
【お知らせ】世界で初めてポケットモンスタールビーサファイアの殿堂入りを果たした魚ララが8月下旬に天寿を全うした事を報告します。飼育開始から2年、無事に寿命を迎えることが出来ました。9月より暫く配信をお休みしていましたが本日より再開致します。今後ともよろしくお願いします。 pic.twitter.com/gyOLUmCWHJ
— むてきまるちゃんねる -Mutekimaru Channel- (@Mutekimaru_ch) September 12, 2022
Rest well Lala, and fans will definitely rename their Magikarp or any other aquatic after Lala in her memory when Pokémon Scarlet and Violet will be released later in the season. Meanwhile check out Mutekimaru Channel as their fishes are attempting to clear Pokémon Sword and Shield!
Source: Soranews24
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