Japanese Instagrammer’s Bentos For Her Husband Takes Packed Lunches To A New Level

At first glance, Japanese Instagrammer @kinakobun seems like any other person posting pictures of her pets and food. But a closer look through the posts of her beloved java sparrow Shian is a myriad of photos of her husband’s lunches. And not just lunches, but homemade, decorative bento that is truly out of this world.

A deco-ben (decorative bento) enthusiast, @kinakobun spares no effort to get up every morning to pack these colourful lunches. They’re adorable and extremely detailed, featuring popular characters and intricate patterns as edible works of art. It’s surely one of the many creative ways she expresses her love and gratitude, and frankly, we wish all our lunches looked this fun.

Her past bento creations, all of which she posts on her Instagram, include:






My Melody

Kero Kero Keroppi

And lots of bento and rice ball lunches!


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今日の旦那さん弁当。 * 昨日お買い物に行こうと自転車に乗ったら、お家を出て少しした所でガシャン!と言う音と共にペダルが急に軽くなりました。 何だ?と思って降りてよく見てみたら、チェーンが外れてるー! しかもチェーンカバー?みたいなのが割れちゃってる! ビックリしたけどとりあえず歩いてお家にUターンして、もう一台の自転車で出かけました。 結構新しい自転車だったのでショック〜💧 割れちゃったチェーンカバーは修理出来るのかな〜。 * * #お弁当#キャラ弁#デコ弁#旦那弁当#ぶぶあられ#おにぎり#コロコロウインナー#ひとくちフランク#ロカリクッキング#kaumo

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We don’t know where @kinakobun’s husband works, but her bento masterpieces would serve as a much-needed pop of brightness to any bland office, in addition to being a nutritious box of mouthwatering delectables. Who wouldn’t be ecstatic to know that their loved one is trying to help make their lunch breaks that much more enjoyable?


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