Public Service Employee Suspended for Writing Light Novels

A 28-year-old local public servant from Japan received a six-month suspension on the 20th of October, 2021. The reason for this suspension happens to be the fact that he wrote light novels and earned from royalties. The officer was employed by Hiratsuka City in Kanagawa Prefecture.

The writer/employee earned the royalties, without approval, during his sick leave. The press release from the city outlines the disciplinary actions. Also, according to NHK, the person in question voluntarily resigned the next day.

While he was inactive due to sickness for three years, between July 2019 through Oct. 2021, the author released four books with two different publishing firms. In addition, he was paid royalty payments, which also included those of the digital versions he sold online. The total amount is estimated to be 3.20 million dollars (roughly equivalent to 32,000 dollars). However, the 28-year-old was active on Twitter throughout the years and kept on tweeting and posting quite many chapters on different websites.

However, it is against the laws that govern local public officials. The 38th article bans for-profit actions without approval. According to Article 29, Clause 1, Authorities can take disciplinary action against offenders. Hence the defendant received the suspension on the 20th of October 2021.


Sources: Press release, NHK

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