Shining Bonsai Trees Made With Thousands Of Tiny Origami Cranes

Naoki Onogawa loves folding origami cranes. She’s loved it ever since she was in kindergarten and spent most of her summer vacation making origami creatures.

These days, she’s still folding tiny origami birds. Only these days, the pieces are far more elaborate. Her bonsai miniature crane trees are like mythological prayer alters to nature.

“Since ancient times Japan has sharpened consciousness to every natural phenomenon,” Onogawa says of her inspiration. “Faced with the threat of nature, coexisting with time, false. I consider trees as one of those things, and I will produce a tree of cranes as a way of expressing “life force” that lives in such something that exceeded human knowledge.”

Shining Bonsai Trees Made With Thousands Of Tiny Origami Cranes

Source:Design swan

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