Stunning Photos Of Bonsai And Flowers At The Bottom Of The Ocean
Azuma Makoto is a Japanese flower artist who runs fascinating experiments, sending the botanical sculptures to new and unknown frontiers.
Previously, Makoto showed us what it looks like to launch flower arrangements into space. And now, for his latest installment of the “In Bloom” series, Makoto is exploring the dark depths of the ocean.
The shoot saw four bouquets of flowers and one bonsai tree plunged 1 mile below the ocean’s surface. Complete darkness set the tone for an eerie shoot that transformed the plants into alien creatures.
Makoto spent three years planning this shoot which required sourcing government permits as well as underwater lighting and photo equipment. Find more of his experimental flower sculptures here.
Stunning Photos Of Bonsai And Flowers At The Bottom Of The Ocean
Source:Spoon Tamaga