This Grandma Takes The Most Hilarious Selfies You’ll See All Year

You’re never to old to create.
That’s certainly the case with 89-year-old Japanese grandmother Kimiko Nishimoto. She never consider photography as a hobby until she was 72, when her son was teaching a beginner’s course in the medium. Partly due to support him but also because she was curious in the artwork – she decide to enrol in the course.

The rest as they say is history.
She was instantly hooked and rapidly set about taking all manner of unusual and comical self-portraits around her home and neighbourhood. 17 Years later and she’s just as passionate, creating and coming up with new and often bizarre scenarios to photograph each day.

Her unique style has also caught the attention of the Japanese art world who are just as fascinated by her portraits as the rest of us. In fact, her latest series of images titled ‘Asobokane’ (which translate into “let’s play”) is on display at Tokyo’s Epson epsite imaging gallery until January 18th – so if you’re in Tokyo be sure to check them out.
Below is a little preview of what you can expect from her show.

Remember, you’re never too old to try something new.

This Grandma Takes The Most Hilarious Selfies You’ll See All Year

Source:So bad so good

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