This Japanese Village Is Boosting Tourism By Planting Incredible Fields Of Rice Paddy Art

Rice paddy art is practiced in the Japanese village of Inakadate. Originally conceived as a way to boost tourism and enrich the town’s culture, these massive plant murals were completed over a three-month period.

The inspiration for paddy art is taken from local geography and Japanese folklore. The entire town contributes to the massive project which requires multiple different strains of rice to achieve the different colours.

To first create the planting plan, a group of designers layout the illustrations on a computer. From there, officials go out into the fields to mark the areas with the proper strain for each section of the picture.

Once the piece is finished, the sprawling fields appear to be giant pages from a picture book.

Pretty amazing, right?

This Japanese Village Is Boosting Tourism By Planting Incredible Fields Of Rice Paddy Art


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