Gigantic Undersea Bug In Aquarium Poops For The First Time In Two Years

In Toba Aquarium, the keeper of the facility’s 5 giant isopods found some ‘fecel matter’ in their tank, concluding that they have finally pooped for the first time since April 2018.

In 2014, one of their first giant isopods, No. 1, died after having not eaten for five years.
Here’s a video taken in 2013 showing attempts to feed No. 1, which would simply play with its food and pretend to eat.

Giant isopods have a very slow digestive process. This means that the food which went into making this poop must have been consumed over seven years ago, before they came to the aquarium.

Japanese netizens are happy about the news. A YouTuber, Virtual Giant Isopod, held a press conference apologising for the inconvenience caused by pooping for the first time in 2 years.

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