Japan Declares State of Emergency Again in Tokyo and three other prefectures

Japan’s government has declared a state of emergency for Tokyo and three neighbouring prefectures in an attempt to curb the rise in coronavirus cases.

Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide said, “The rapid spread of COVID-19 across the country has created a situation that could have a serious impact on people’s lives and the economy. Therefore, I hereby declare a state of emergency based on the anti-virus law.”

The declaration will cover Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba prefectures. It will go into effect on Friday and remain in place until February 7. A state of emergency is less strict in Japan than in many western countries. Prefectural governors will have the legal authority to urge residents to cooperate with prevention efforts.

Bars and restaurants will be asked to close by 8 p.m. and to stop serving alcohol an hour earlier.
Residents will also be asked to refrain from non-essential outings after 8 p.m.

Companies will be asked to encourage remote work, and reduce the number of staff in their offices by 70 percent.
The number of spectators at live events will be limited to half of the available seats… and no greater than 5,000.

Schools, however, will not be asked to close.

Following the declaration, the Prime Minister held a news conference to ask for cooperation.

Suga said, “The coronavirus pandemic is becoming worse than we had ever imagined. But I believe we can overcome this situation. To accomplish this, we have no choice but to ask you to once again restrict your lifestyle. We are determined to improve the situation within the next month. As prime minister, I will do my utmost and take every possible measure to prevent the spread of infection.”

Suga added the government hopes to start vaccinations by late next month. He also said he’s determined to hold the postponed Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics in the summer.

A woman in Tokyo’s Shinjuku area said, “The government should have taken the step much earlier.”

A woman in Shibuya said, “I wonder whether everybody will stay home just like the last time a state of emergency was declared.”

The declaration comes amid a surge in daily cases.
On Thursday, new daily cases in Japan surpassed 7,000 for the first time.

About half of that figure comes from the Tokyo area…including a record 2,447 new cases in the capital.

Osaka and Aichi prefectures are also struggling with rising new infections.
Governors there are considering asking the central government to declare a state of emergency for their prefectures.

But the Prime Minister says it’s not necessary at this point.
With infections rising across the country, the government has also extended the suspension of a popular domestic travel subsidy campaign to February 7.

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