Japanese Man Finds Photos of His Late Father In Google Earth
The loss of a loved one’s life is not easy to grieve from, especially in the case of a close family member.
But, occasionally, we find their photographs or objects that bring back memories.
A man tweeted about a wonderful surprise he had received. Twitter user @TeacherUfo had been bored at home and thought of researching his parents’ house in Google Earth.
As the map was loading, the student was able to walk to the side of the road near his parents’ house and discovered his father, who had died seven years ago, in the vicinity of the home. Further along the street, the driver saw his mother returning to her house after what appeared to be a trip to the grocery store.
コロナでやる事ないからGoogleEarthで実家見に行ったら7年前に死んだ親父が写ってた。その先に人が居たから見に行ったら母ちゃんだった。一服しながら奥さんの帰りを待ってたんだな。無口だけど優しい親父だった。このままこの場所の写真更新しないで欲しいな。 pic.twitter.com/PXxBICAxmz
— タムチンキ (@TeacherUfo) January 4, 2021
When describing his father’s character in his tweet, he stated the man was a gentle but quiet person. In his tweet, He added that he hoped to Google Earth not to delete the photo.
The tweet went viral, with nearly 110,000 people retweeting it as well as 681,000 likes. Numerous other users on Twitter were also inspired to check out Google Earth as well.
One person said she was looking around her parents’ house and came across her father (who died 3 years ago) taking in the laundry.
うちも3年前に他界した父が洗濯物を取り込んでいる姿が写ってます。 pic.twitter.com/RcUjJpmflP
— ☺️ (@akechin_116) January 5, 2021
The user came across a photo of her dog that died due to aging. They reported that the picture brought a smile to their face. They hope the images won’t be deleted.
これみて試しに田舎の家を見てみたら死んだ犬が!!こっちみてる😭😭😭 pic.twitter.com/TJPMC5X69N
— Fire ワキ子 Bomber🎸 (@peekapoo_kyoko) January 5, 2021
Source: WorldofBuzz
Also read about Japanese Man Who Travelled 3000 km to Write I love You on Google Maps