See What Its Like To Live In A 450$/Month Unit In Tokyo
Ryan’s fascination with the Land of the Rising Sun began when he was in second grade. He started to become interested in maps of Japan, its history and culture, and its famous landmarks.
Crouse revealed to Insider that he was deeply in love with Japan by the time he reached 9th grade. The youngster was constantly watching anime and was amazed by YouTubers that had moved to Japan from the US.
“Japan and its culture was a long-time thing that I was interested in,” Crouse, aged 21, said.
As he entered the college of his choice to study in New York, Crouse planned to go abroad to study in Japan.
However, he debated whether a semester would be sufficient to explore and enjoy his dream country. He then came across Temple University’s satellite school located in Tokyo. He applied and was accepted, then “it just snowballed into a thing I was doing,” Crouse explained.
In May 2022, Crouse relocated to Tokyo from the city of his birth. As with the YouTubers he admired, He began recording his journey on YouTube and TikTok.
The Temple University student lived in the dorms in the first semester of his studies. After that, he lived for one year in a 172-square-foot apartment in Tokyo’s Taishido area before moving to a larger space.
Crouse claimed that his tiny apartment met his every need. For the price of $450, it was a bargain. However, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t full of flaws.
Real estate in Tokyo is really expensive.. But would you live in a 172 Square Foot unit for 450 USD per month?
Here’s what your toilet might look like
When you enter the unit, you get greeted by this small area to place your shoes and get your slippers on
After you take off your shoes, you walk into this tiny hallway that also acts as your kitchen
The hallway takes you into the only room that acts as your office, living, bedroom as well as your closet.
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