Japanese Man Spends 2 Million Yen For A Realistic Dog Costume

A Japanese man spent around 2,000,000 yen ($15,791) for an actual border collie outfit because he wanted to dress like the dog he loves most.

Japanese man spends 15,000 to look like a real dog

Image: twitter.com/zeppetJP

The man, whose name is only known as Toko, has hired a Japanese company known as Zeppet, which is known for its models and sculptures for movies and commercials.

Zeppet was said to have taken 40 days to create the costume. Toko had to go through several rounds of tests and tweaks to ensure it was the right fit.

Japanese man spends 15,000 to look like a real dog

Image: twitter.com/zeppetJP

Toko told in an interview in an interview with Japanese news outlet Mynavi:

I decided to make a collie costume because I thought it would be the most realistic when I wore it. My favourite is quadrupedal creatures and especially the adorable ones. Of them, I decided that a big animal close to me could be ideal as it could be a realistic model. Thus, which is why I decided to create it in the form of a dog.

So considering all the options and requirements, I made it like my favourite breed of dog, the Collie.

Image: news.gamme.com.tw

A Zeppet employee also shared how the team discovered how dogs’ appearance could correspond to a person’s.

The main reason for using a dog’s skeleton is because it’s easier to remodel into a human skeleton. We spent long time figuring out the best way to get it look like the skeleton of a dog.

Image: news.gamme.com.tw

“In addition, we take photos taken from different angles to ensure that the gorgeous coats of the Collie can be reproduced and designed in a way that the coating will flow naturally.”


Source: 9GAG

Also read about Young Japanese Artist Creates Exceptionally Realistic Art With Colored Pencils

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